M.me Link

M.me is a shortened URL service operated by Facebook that redirects users to a person, page, or bot in Messenger. You can use them on your website, email newsletters, and more. The m.me link for your bot allows you to link people directly to your Messenger bot. When the link is clicked, a conversation is automatically opened on messenger.com or in the Messenger mobile app.

To add the checkbox plugin to a form on your website:

Step 1: Under 'Messenger Tools' in the sidebar select 'Messenger Bot'.

Step 2: Click on 'Actions' under 'Messenger Engagement'.

Step 3: Select 'M.me Link'

Step 4: Click 'Create Plugin'.

Step 5: Select the page associated with the plugin, add button text, select a confirmation message template, and add a reference tag.

Step 6: Adjust any additional settings as required and click 'Generate Embed Code'.

Step 7: Copy the generated code or unique url and add it in the desired html element on your webpage where you want to display the plugin.