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IMPORTANT: Before setting up the sequence messaging we recommend you read the new policies that are being introduced by Facebook in 2020 as incorrect use of promotional messaging outside of the 24+1 hour period can cause your Facebook messaging page privileges to be revoked. They can be found HERE

Sequence Messaging

Sequence messaging on Messenger allows you to schedule and send a pre-defined set of messages to the user which can be triggered based on the following events:

  • User signs up through your checkbox plugin
  • User clicks on your send to Messenger button
  • User clicks on your M.Me link
  • User contacts you via the customer chat plugin
  • or when a user is assigned a custom label through one of your post-back replies.

Types of sequence messaging

There are two types of sequence messaging provided by Facebook. They are as follows:

  • 24 Hour Promotional: Pages are permitted to send promotional messages to subscribers who have sent a message to your page within the last 24 hours. The 24-hour limit is refreshed each time a person responds to a business through one of the eligible actions listed in messenger conversation entry points above. The targeted subscribers may show less than the real count because the eligible subscriber calculation algorithm of our system has been implemented by using 23 hour time frame and avoid any risk. 
  • Daily Non-promotional (24+ Hours) - REQUIRES FACEBOOK APPROVAL: Once approved by Facebook pages can send non-promotional messages as much as much as you want to all subscribers using the non promotional tag however, it is important to use this tag carefully. Messages that contain any advertisement or promotional material as considered promotional by Facebook may result in a block your pages messaging option. To submit your account for approval of the 'Subscription Messaging Feature' by Facebook please follow THIS guide and please read the requirements section carefully.


Step 1: On the 'Bot Settings' page under 'Sequence Message Settings' click change settings.

Step 2: Click on the blue 'Add Sequence' button as shown below.

Step 3: Give the campaign and name and select a sequence type. They are as follows: 

  • Default: The default sequence of messages that users will receive for simply contacting your page.
  • Custom: Custom sequence of messages that users receive based on custom events and actions such as clicking a button or being assigned a label.
  • Checkbox: The sequence of messages that a user receives as a result of selecting your page checkbox to receive messages.
  • Send to Messenger: The sequence of messages that a user receives as a result of clicking your pages send to Messenger button.
  • The sequence of messages that a user receives as a result of clicking your pages link.
  • Customer Chat: The sequence of messages that a user receives as result of contacting your page via the customer chat plugin.

Step 4: Select either the '24 Hour Promotional' or 'Daily Non-promotional' option. If you are unsure of the differences you can find more info above. Please use with caution.

Step 5: Select the appropriate post-back messages and times as desired. You can add more time to the sequence by clicking the purple 'Add More Time' button below. If applicable select a start and finish time for each day, a timezone, and finally select a message tag appropriate to your type of message.

Tip: If you don't see any post-back messages from the dropdown menus next to the times it means you still need to setup some message templates (post-backs). Please follow THIS guide to do so.

Step 6: Once finished click 'Create Campaign' to save the campaign.