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To make a post, simply:

  1. Select the social network you want to post on and then select 'Post'
  2. If you have not already, please add an account. To do so, click 'Add Account' and follow the on screen prompts.
  3. If you already have an account logged in, Simply begin by uploading your media, link, text or file. 
  4. Add the caption or text
  5. Choose a time to schedule 
  6. Review the post on the left
  7. Then select "post Now' to confirm the posting time.
  8. The post will then go live on your chosen social network at the time you specified.
  9. Repeat this process as much as you like. Posts can be planned as far in advance as you wish.


To Post on multiple Platforms and accounts at once, simply:

  1. Click the red button on the top left that says 'Multi Post'
  2. Add your text or caption
  3. Add your media (Video, image or link)
  4. Select the scheduled time
  5. Click 'Post Now' to confirm the time
  6. Repeat again and again for as many posts as you wish as far in advance as you wish.