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If you already have a list of customer email addresses, you can simply add them to your list with multiple upload options. 


Setup | Adding Subscribers

  1. Click on the 'List' tab, then click on the list you want to add subscribers to.
  2. Once inside your list overview, simply click on the 'Tools' 
  3. On the 'List Tools' page, you have three options. 'Import', 'Export' and 'Copy'. Please press the 'Import' Button.
  4. Here you have 3 options for uploading your customer email list. You can upload via 'CSV', 'Text' or 'Database'.
  5. Chose your format, (Most common type is CSV file upload), select the file or location and press 'Upload File'. 
  6. Now all your customer email addresses will be located in your list ready to be contacted with your message. 


Management | Managing Your Lists

You can easily export or copy your list as well. This can be helpful when wanting to combine a list or move your email list outside of Zuitte for further marketing purposes.

  1. Select the 'List' tab
  2. Click on the list you wish to export or copy users from
  3. Click on the 'Tools' button 
  4. If Exporting user addresses, select 'Export', then 'CSV' and follow the prompts to save the file to your computer.
  5. If you are wanting to copy the list too and combine it with another one, just click 'Copy' and follow the onscreen prompts to move the selected segment to your desired location. 


Management | Managing Your Lists | Copying and Merging Lists 

Within Zuitte, you can Sync your lists together or split them into further segments. To do so:

  1. Click on the 'Lists' tab, then 'Tools'
  2. If you want to 'Sync' lists together, press 'Sync', then follow the on-screen prompts. 
  3. If you want to 'Split' the lists, select 'Split' and follow the onscreen prompts