Customer Chat Plugin
The customer chat plugin allows you to integrate Messenger to your website in order to communicate with your site visitors in the same personalised, rich-media experience they get in Messenger. Whether it be for support, sales, or marketing purposes this is a great way to segment visitors and turn cold leads into paying customers.
Your can setup your customer chat plugin as follows:
Step 1: Under the 'Messenger Tools' click the 'Messenger Bot' submenu.
Step 2: Click on 'Actions' under the 'Messenger Engagement' title.
Step 3: From the dropdown menu select 'Customer Chat Plugin'.
Step 4: Click on the blue 'Create Plugin' button.
Step 5: Select a page you would like to associate with the plugin and enter your website domain name (
Step 6: Add your getting text, select an opt-in confirmation template (Post-back template), and add a reference tag.
Step 7: Finish adjusting any additional settings to your liking and click 'Generate Embed Code'.
Step 8: Copy the generated code into your website body or footer tags of your website. This can be either a single page, multiple pages, or all pages. If you are unaware of how to insert the code reach out to us and we'll happily assist you further. Tip: If your site is a Wordpress website you can also download our EasyEmbedChat plugin with your custom code using the link provided in the popup.